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Found 454 results

  1. NOW, IN THIS THREAD, WE HAVE PRICE FOR US AND EU SERVERS, ALL PRICE ON PICTURE All Boost Legal, also can be Stream, NO Wintrading, NO Bots You have to pay paypal taxes when gonna buy boost Payments methods: Paypal Contact Informations: You can contact us by Skype -> <-for more details. Skype: Artemarkantos [FEEDBACK HIGHLIGHTS] p.s. also from others forum/site
  2. & SELLING Nostalrius PvP/PvE and Elysium PvP GOLD Also selling powerleveling and accounts Skype: SNiFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE,ONLY ONE F AT THE END OF THE NAME,WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. send me email : [email protected] As the title says,selling Nostalrius/Elysium gold Experienced and trusted gold seller. Gold is farmed by hand (no bots or exploits are being used). Powerleveling is also done by hand. Accounts are secure. Safest on the market ! Price always change according to demand and supply,add me on skype to get latest the price list. Accepting PAYPAL and SKRILL (moneybookers) Can also take credit/debit card payments on its own ( u dont need PP or skrill account for this) Skype: SNiFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE,ONLY ONE F AT THE END OF THE NAME,WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. send me email : [email protected] selling on all other private realms such as: Archangel/Warsong,VanillaGaming,Kronos-wow,Warmane Lordaeron/Icecrown and many more
  3. & SELLING Nostalrius PvP/PvE and Elysium PvP GOLD Also selling powerleveling and accounts Skype: SNiFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE,ONLY ONE F AT THE END OF THE NAME,WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. send me email : [email protected] As the title says,selling Nostalrius/Elysium gold Experienced and trusted gold seller. Gold is farmed by hand (no bots or exploits are being used). Powerleveling is also done by hand. Accounts are secure. Safest on the market ! Price always change according to demand and supply,add me on skype to get latest the price list. Accepting PAYPAL and SKRILL (moneybookers) Can also take credit/debit card payments on its own ( u dont need PP or skrill account for this) Skype: SNiFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE,ONLY ONE F AT THE END OF THE NAME,WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. send me email : [email protected] selling on all other private realms such as: Archangel/Warsong,VanillaGaming,Kronos-wow,Warmane Lordaeron/Icecrown and many more
  4. SELLING GOLD As the title says,selling Warmane Lordaeron gold Private wotlk 3.3.5a server add my new skype : SNIFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE, WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. Experienced and trusted gold seller. Gold is farmed by hand (no bots or exploits are being used). Prices always change according to demand and supply,add me on skype to get latest price list. Accepting PAYPAL and SKRILL (moneybookers) Can also take credit/debit card payments on its own ( u dont need PP or skrill account for this) add my new skype : SNIFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE, WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. old skype: sniffcheaf Also selling on all feenix realms: Archangel/Emerald dream/Warsong and VanillaGaming+Kronos-wow and Nostalrius Terms of service Buying gold carries a risk of getting your WoW account banned or getting the gold removed, I will not be responsible if it happens.
  5. SELLING & GOLD KRONOS GOLD+POWERLEVELING You can buy Kronos 2 gold & powerleveling now too add my new skype : SNIFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE, WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. send me email : [email protected] As the title says,selling Kronos-wow gold I sell Kronos II gold and powerlevel too. Experienced and trusted gold seller. Gold is farmed by hand (no bots or exploits are being used). Safest on the market ! Prices always changes according to demand and supply,add me on skype to get latest price list. Accepting PAYPAL and SKRILL (moneybookers) Can also take credit/debit card payments on its own ( u dont need PP or skrill account for this) Also selling on feenix realms: Archangel,Warsong and VanillaGaming+Nostalrius,Lordaeron,PlayTBC,Kronos wow gold & Kronos 2 gold + powerleveling Terms of service Buying gold carries a risk of getting your WoW account banned or getting the gold removed, I will not be responsible if it happens.
  6. Supporting both 2 realms ! private servers ARCHANGEL x14 (TBC) WARSONG x8 (vanilla) (price may vary depending on my stock condition,amount taken and server economy so contact me to get quotes) HORDE and ALLIANCE (both factions on all realms) add my new skype : SNIFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE, WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. email: [email protected] Selling for 3 years as of now ! Fastest and most reputable service around ! Get your goodies from legit source in no time . Delivery takes literally few seconds. Almost always online and in stock ! Not a single customer of mine has been banned so consider this as safe as possible. (i follow complex security steps to keep my peeps secure at all times ) Accepting PAYPAL and SKRILL (moneybookers) Can also take credit/debit card payments on its own ( u dont need PP or skrill account for this) add my new skype : SNIFFCHEAF1 (NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE, WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search. email: [email protected]
  7. The price depends on ur server and current gold market 60 days gc:50k-75k battlechest(include cata):30k-45k warlords of draenor:120k-150k d3 ros:100k-150k (scanned pic,100% legit gc and keys!) we also have unmerged account,d3,gw2,sc2 key,wow gold and powerlvling for sell,for more information,pls message me on skype/msn/yahoo^ ^ For more information about unmerged accounts,pls vist here: contact me if u need any service^ ^msn: [email protected]: [email protected]: wowlisa2014 (new)pls post here before contact me
  8. Hi guys, Since I quit gaming I am selling my lifetime subscription for x22 (xPackage) which I bought for €100,00. I am selling it for around $35.00 (PayPal or Skrill), which includes a free HWID change. Proof of ownership: You can contact me on Skype: qbcsgotrading
  9. Skype: frag.bullet 24\H - ASK FOR SERVICE POWER LEVELING SEASON 6 & NON SEASON Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls (Platform PC, Server Europe SoftCore Season 6 & Non Season Staff). MULTIBOX 4X LOOT FOR YOU Season 6 ON ! ALL LEGENDARY ITEMS THAT WILL FALL FORM MY 3 CLASSES BELON TO YOU OFFER INCLUDES ALL OF DIFFICULTY TORMENT 10 - GR60 I PLAY PERSONALLY - HAND MADE Skype : frag.bullet Trust only honest seller you can check my account verified: Check me , more than 500 positive reviews New offer EU FULL GEAR TORMENT X - 25EUR 100 legendary/set items in under 1h - 12€/14$ 200 legendary/set items in under 2h - 22€/25$ 300 legendary/set items in under 3h - 32€/36$ POWER LEVELING, BOOST - HOT ! 1 - 70 LVL - 5 Eur 1 - 100 PARAGON 1 - 200 PARAGON 1 - 300 PARAFON 1 - 800 PARAGON Ask for Price RIFT TORMENT X FULL (Full clear path to the final obelisk 5-10min) 1X - 1,4Eur 10X 20X Ask for Price RIFT TORMENT 6 BOSS (Road to the boss and kill boss Trial Key farming 3-5min) 1X - 1 Eur 10X 20X Ask for Price UBER INFERNAL MACHINE HELLFIRE RING/AMULET - HOT ! (4x materials for one Neck or Ring I open 4 portal's and kill bosse's 100% drop rate 3-4min ) 1X - 1,2 Eur 10X 20X Ask for Price GRIFT 40+ TO 42+ SPEEDRUN'S - HOT ! (I open the Grift at the selected level and kill the boss then you can improve jawel and take drop 3-5 min) 1X - 1,2 Eur 10X 20X Ask for Price IMPROVING THE LEGENDARY JAWEL'S (You must have trial key's, i bring you to Urshi where you will improved the selected gem 40-60min) 1X GEM 1 TO 25 LVL 3X GEM 1 TO 25 LVL 1X GEM 25 TO 40 LVL 3X GEM 25 TO 40 LVL Ask for Price MY ASSISTANCE IN GAME - HOT ! (Executes all commands) 1H - 10 Eur 2H 3H Ask for Price HORADRIC CHEST FROM ANY ACT (Executes all task in selected act 1-5 so thath you get 6-8 rift keys and Horadric chest 100% 1x Legendary in) 1X - 1,2 Eur 10X 20X Ask for Price DRESSING CHARACTER FOR EASY TORMENT 6 PLAY - HOT ! (I will dress your character that no problem will be able to play on the Torment 10 level) 1X 10 GEAR - 25 EUR 1X GR50+ GEAR - 35 EUR 1X GR60+ GEAR - 48 EUR 1X GR70+ GEAR - 65 EUR 1X GR80+ GEAR - 90 EUR Ask for Price FARMING MATS WHITE/BLUE/YELLOW/LEGENDARY ALL FOR CRAFTING Ask for Price I recall all items that fall out for my 3 characters communicate to you I accept payment of any kind on account paypal, skrill CONTACT: Skype: Frag.Bullet
  10. [wts]

    [WTS] Steam account: Level: 12 | Games owned: 47 | Current account value: ~400€ | Total hours: ~4 000h | CSGO rank: MG1 (can be boosted up to desired if a good offer is given, my main is global) VAC: DayZ (For using a bugg) *ONLY DayZ IS AFFECTED* Games: , Stats: [] Screenshot of VAC: Buyout price: 100€ Bids are allowed and if resonable will be accepted. ___________________________________________________________________________ Steam account #2: Level: 1 | Games owned: 7 | Current account value: 14€ | Total hours: ~160h| CSGO rank: Legendary Eagle (can be boosted up to desired if a good offer is given, my main is global) VAC: None Games: Stats: [] Buyout price: 20€ Bids are allowed and if resonable will be accepted. **Buyout price higher than account value because of the rank of CSGO** ___________________________________________________________________________
  11. Hey guys, Im selling WoW accounts for €26,- this includes 30 days of gametime and a level 90 boost! Can also sell just battlechest for €6,3 With just the battlechest you can choose it to include a level 90 character for an extra €7,- If you have any questions feel free to ask them below! Or hit me up on skype: marcjeno1
  12. - This account has - Every character is on US Tichondrius Ally/Horde Proof of characters - Characters - 100 Horde Rogue - 679 iLvl 100 Ally Rogue - 670 iLvl This rogue has Off-Hand Warglaive of Azeroth 100 Ally Druid - 663 iLvl. 100 Horde Hunter - 670 iLvl 100 Horde Priest - 659 iLvl 100 Horde DK - 638 iLvl 100 Horde Paladin - 646 iLvl Also includes lvl 95 Horde Warrior and lvl 87 Alliance Mage Bank toon for Horde and Bank toon for Alliance. Ally toons mainly geared for PvP and Horde toons mainly geared for PvE/Horde Hunter geared for PvP Account Also has..... Ashes of A'lar Onyxian Drake Amani War Bear Bone-White Raptor Off-Hand Warglaive of Azeroth Server-wide around 35k~ Gold, 29 days left of game time. Taking best offers. open for discussion. Will post armory when I get home Skype = sbinlee1
  13. Selling kronos - wow gold !!MAKE SURE TO COPY-PASTE TO YOUR SKYPE!!! Add me: BRODOSZEJ also for feedbacks and any questions:
  14. $3.99 per key (it's a steam key so you'll need a steam account) I know I'm quite new here but I have a bit more history on this website. Click here to buy (Instant Automated Delivery) http: Contact: - Tox ToxID : 600E9F1BB79F312E5FC2DD2E45F10C76F91A2F6FD1EBBCEAB37E3C5658F308263284CFEF2B2D - Private Message Thanks and Feel free to leave a review
  15. Selling gold on Frostwolf realm from Warmane. Good prices. You can contact me for details on this email : [email protected] Payment: Paypal
  16. ABOUT US! Get Discount Code At Website and It's even more cheaper offers unparalleled boosting services at guaranteed low prices. There is no third party or middle man involved! Remember if there’s a product you can’t find you can always get in contact with us on Skype or E-mail, where one of our gamers will be ready for you! Available Servers:NA/EUW/EUNE/TR/RUS Price list: Division & Bundles Bronze V ---> IV = 15€Bronze IV ---> III = 18€Bronze III ---> II = 20€Bronze II ---> I = 25€Bronze I ---> Silver V = 30€Bronze to Silver V = 80€ 1 WIN = 3€5 WINS = 15€10 WINS = 30€ Silver V ---> IV = 15€Silver IV ---> III = 20€Silver III ---> II = 25€Silver II ---> I = 30€Silver I ---> Gold V = 35Silver to Gold = 100€ 1 WIN = 3€5 WINS = 18€10 WINS = 32€ Gold V ---> IV = 30€Gold IV ---> III = 35€Gold III ---> II = 40€Gold II ---> I = 45€Gold I ---> Platinum V = 50€ Gold V ---> Platinum V = 150€ 1 WIN = 5€5 WINS = 28€10 WINS = 55€ Platinum V ---> IV = 45€Platinum IV ---> III = 50€Platinum III ---> II = 55€Platinum II ---> I = 65€Platinum I ---> Diamond V = 70Platinum to Diamond V = 250€ 1 WIN = 12€5 WINS = 55€10 WINS = 145€ 10 PLACEMENT GAMES UNRANKED = 40€ More coming soon! We guarantee 7/10 wins in your placements.Other sites will cheat you by losing 50% of your placement matches, causing you to have to come back to them and ruining your MMR.Here at at evolvexsport, we think quality over quantity and will always make sure to win at least 7/10 games.Some other sites find 50% win rates acceptable causing your MMR to drop. Remember, the higher your MMR, the faster you climb! WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE EVOLVEXSPORT 100% Anonymous. Our boosters are professional and will never speak to anyone while boosting your account.The safest boosting service. All of Evolvexsport’s boosters will use a VPN with a custom IP address while on your account.Feel free to ask your booster questions via the chat/email or skype and check your progress on your boost at any time! Remember if there’s a product you can’t find you can always get in contact with us on Skype or E-mail, where one of our gamers will be ready for you! IS MY ACCOUNT SAFE?Your account is in 100% safe with us. We never ask for your personal datas (secret question / answer). We do everything 100% by hands! IS MY PRIVACY PROTECTED?Our players will never answer to any of your friends messages.This will guarantee you to get your boost done without any worry about being revealed.We will use VPN of your country and your city so it will looks like you just logged from another PC.However you can add any note once you purchase and ask us for any kind of special request that would make you comfortable using our services. REFUND POLICY!We will refund 100% of the money if we fail to complete the service. Also, we will refund 100% of the money if the Customer asks for a refund before the order is in process. After we give the order to our employees for processing, we can only provide a partial (10-50%) refund. For more information you can add me on Skype: evolvexsport or PM me here. VISIT US! Note: In order to avoid any scams always request for a PM on the forum, so you know it's me.
  17. Offering Powerleveling service on Nostalrius and Kronos vanilla realms. KRONOS » Private Vanilla Project Fast,reliable and affordable Contact me on: SKYPE: sniffcheaf EMAIL: [email protected] also selling gold on Nostalrius and Kronos
  18. Every class to 100 except shaman, mage, priest (has 90+ of all 3) Alliance DK has MoP CM tmog and horde monk has WoD CM weps Horde monk 12/13N HFC 694 MW/700 WW Alliance druid 12/13N 5/13H HFC 692 balance/690 Feral Alliance DK is 722 PvP MoP CM tmog/Grandmarshal weapon tmogs 74/82 Heirlooms most upgraded 2/2 -- 2x 90-100 garrosh heirloom weapons 10k achiev points --- 2k 2v2 arena achiev 1800 RBG acheiv MoP Collectors edition ----------------------- Ashes of Al'ar Challenger's War Yeti 4x Glory of the raider mounts (Icc 25/FL/DS/PandaHero) All 4 MoP CM Pheonixs FLametalon of Alysrazor/Pureblood Firehawk Onyxian Drake Invincible ---- AND MANY MORE Price: $150 obo. Skype: trollnova22 Add my skype if you have any questions and/or want armory links for any of the 100's
  19. *note ; havent played much pvp and pve in wl xpack mostly oriented on develpoing garisons on lost of chars (gold making, garisons set up for production=10-20k a week depending on prices just by loging in half an hour a day collecting everything, doing daily cds, crafting and selling, garisson missins also you cna do gathering/farming) the acc has veary little gold if any at all (gave most of it to a friend since i dont play it anymore), but your set up for gold making shouldnt be any problem to earn some gold in a few hours without much effort and without leaving garrison account should have around 100 toys( dont know how many exactley since its not active) also has around 70 heirlooms (including hellscream heirlooms missing one or two from him cant exactley remamber 224 collected pets (veary few doubles, lots of rare pets) 188 mounts(class mounts not included in count) all horde racial mounts other mounts; albino drake, amani battle bear,amber primordial direhorn,amber scorpion,argent hipogrif, all windriders from BC, cluderpents, cranes, water strider, netherwings, netherrays, riding goats, mamoths+ repair and supplie mamoth, mechano hog, shado-pan tigers, riding yaks, blue drake, azure drake,brawler horde mount, celestial steed, bronze drake,riding camels, riding talbuks (with talbuks from halaa),core hound mount, flying carpets, dark phoenix , darkmoon dancing bear,drake of the west wind, fosilized raptor, dustmane direwolf, flame ward hippogrif, garn nighthowl, dragon turtles, fishing turtle, heart of the aspects, heartsteed, proto drakes violet red ironbound rusted, korkron war wolf and anihilator, pandaren kites, red and sunreaver dragon hawk, raven lord, spectral wolf and wind rider, all festival mounts that were in game or added before this current year, turbo charged and regular flying machine, scarab battle tank mounts with ultramarine from archeology, tyraels charger, vitreus stone drake, warlords deathwheel, armord frostboar and wolf, ruby panther, red flying cloud, all trained mounts from garison, vashjir seahorse,all sorts of raptors from achivements and other mounts aswell have some aliance mounts too, some more mounts from dungeons ive forgot to include total 188 without class mounts included 14470 achivement points planty of legacy and feats of strength achivements, around 300+ days played across all characters most characters have flying mounts trained 310% some 280% chars on tarren mill = druids, warlock, mage, hunter, shaman, paladin, death knight sylvanas = draenai prist korgall = undead priest Lvl 100 tauren druid 639 ilvl resto main/balance offspec enchanting/inscription 700 (veary profitable with whole acc set up for mostly production of these two profesions) archeology 586/600, cooking 700/600, first aid 700/600, fishing 700/600 (700/600 wierd but armory says that way) CM gear from previouse season (armor+ all pheonix mounts) lost of transmog armor/wpns from old raids in void storage 19611 pvp honorable kills 50 exalted reps, 2 areas not full exlorred missing few garrisson blueprints that i didnt need for gold making) planty of garison heroes for missions they cna do raid missions as well 650+ have legendary cape from cata, legendary mace alsmost completed from ulduar Another tauren druid 98 diferent specs (created for farming purposes) 571 feral spec mining+ herbalism maxed garison set for main char production not many garison heroes for missions orc hunter 90 beastmaster/mm rare spirit beasts and regular rare pets has some nice transmog gear including golden bow of quel*thalas 520 ilvl gear professions herbalism/mining 600/600 both tarren mill horde characters; 2 druids, mage, paladin, hunter, shaman 92 blood elf mage 558 gear alchemy 648 tailoring 700 garison set up for alchemy tailoring production archeology 525/600 other profesion ranging from 199 to 398 lots of transmog gear from old raids staffs armors and rare orcish looking horns from a quest 90 blood elf paladin 532 ilvl nice transmog items, partialy done legendary icecrown axe quest blacksmithing/jewelcrafting on 600 lvl 100 shaman 613 ilvl main resto, ofspec enhancement jewel crafting, leatherworking on 700 cooking 295 first aid 91 planty of transmog gear, hyjal mountin raid claws, phoenix claws from TK , t6 blue and pvp equvivalent red, old raids transmogs garison aswell set for production and gold making 72 undead priest on korgall besides some nice transmog peices nothing worth mentioning 60 draenai priest nothing worth mentioning 43 undead rogue nothing worth mentioning 90 blood elf dk 516 ilvl nothing worth mentioning 90 orc warlock green fire quest done, some nice transmog pieces theres also lvl 1 shaman alt with huge guild bank lots of stuff in it, from mats, to rare transmog pieces for selling 4+ tabs in guild bank there is also diablo 3 with standard editio has 60 mage with some decent starting gear and some paragon levels not sure how many but i think its over30 + + some others champs like DH and monk once of them is at 60 not sure wich one and otherone i dont remamber heartstone with around 30 hours played, hearoes of the storm 15+ lvl starcraft 2 standard edition first and original owner have all keys written down ive probably forgot to mention alot of things so feal free to ask and offer away!
  20. Hi, the titel says most of it. Selling my gold on Draenor - horde. Price 0.20$/1000g Minimum gold/trade: 20k (20.000g) Current Gold Available: 110k (110.000g) Send me a PM if you're interested. Regards, Portionssnus
  21. Have a decent amount of gold on Argent Dawn. Would prefer to trade it for Blizzard store mount codes, but can also just sell the gold.